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Be A U.S. Military Maintenance Owner

Own Your Future, Serve with Pride: Become a U.S. Military Maintenance Owner and Lead with Integrity.

Be A US Military Maintenance Owner

When I was ushered out of the US Marines because of medical reasons, I was lost. I was 19, married and had a daughter. Figuring out how to support my family became my only goal. I tried a lot of low wage jobs that could not pay all our bills. I became extremely depressed. then I realized my only way out of my bad situation was to start my own business. I started a cleaning business because that is one thing I learned to do very well in the US military!

That was back in 1969. Since then, I have built up and sold several large commercial cleaning businesses. Now, I am “retired.” I find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life by helping US veterans across America to be also very successful in this business. I call my program US Military Maintenance.

Be A US Military Maintenance Owner

This is an outline of what I will do for you;

  • A customized US Military Maintenance website, a Yelp page, and a facebook page
  • Essential maintenance equipment for cleaning office buildings
  • Graphics for business cards, fliers, and uniforms
  • My unique techniques for acquiring new clients, perfected for over 50 years
  • Weekly business mentoring
  • Training on all equipment
  • Training on all aspects of cleaning
  • Coaching on how to get new clients; how to estimate, who to approach, what to say, and how to get businesses to sign your agreement
  • Cause marketing mentoring: how to get free media coverage
  • Mentor will assist in doing area research for businesses and online business groups for you to contact and join, as well as media and organizations where you can speak.

OSHA Certifications in Green, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Haz Mat Clean Up

All USMM owners can choose to represent our veterans’ non- profit, Patriotic Hearts; and be the Director of our USMM veteran employment program,, in your location.

Here are links to some of our monthly team calls:  / /

Friends of Veterans Radio: This is a station that has interviews with some of our USMM owners.

Mark Baird / [email protected]/ 760-847-2561

U.S. Veterans Logo

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